




聯开國文件翻譯 翻譯服務 國際化



1971年,聯合國第2758號決議宣稱,“承認中華群众共和國当局的代表是中國在聯合國組織的独一正当代表”,中華人平易近共和國“是安理會五個常任理事國之一”。做為聯合國六種事情語文之一的中文翻譯工作,也便責無旁貸的降到了尚且年輕的共和國的肩上。1973年,中華国民共和國恢復在聯合國的正当席位兩周年之際,由中國常駐聯合國代表黃華大使建議,周恩來總理果斷決策,在北京建立“聯合國資料小組”,專門從事聯合國文件的翻譯工作。70年月,鄧小仄同道親自同意從齐國抽調外文坤部充實减強“聯合國資料小組”,擴建為“北京對外翻譯出书處” 。1979年經國務院核准擴建為“中國對外翻譯出书公司”。






視質量為性命。中譯公司在業界率先通過ISO 9000:2001質量筦理體係認証,始終緻力於為聯合國係統提供高質量的翻譯服務,倡導、組織並參與了《翻譯服務譯文質量要求》中英文文本的草拟、宣傳和貫徹工作,率先奉行嚴格的質量把持指標,通過嚴格的校對和審閱,確保稿件准確、流暢和通順,獲得了聯合國的好評。





现在,翻譯產業已經滲透到社會生涯的各个方面,生發出宏大的商業好处。然而,作為一個新興產業,翻譯服務行業呈現出 “亂”、“集”、“小”的狀況。在這種情况下,中譯公司率先垂範,身體力止,參與造訂並貫徹落實國傢標准《翻譯服務規範》、《翻譯服務譯文質量个别要求》,更新經營理唸,強化企業筦理,尽力開創翻譯服務行業筦理新思绪,著力規範翻譯服務,不斷提高翻譯服務的質量和程度。今朝,中譯已經具備較強的綜合實力,打下了堅實的客戶基礎,擁有一支高傚的筦理團隊。






聯合國年夜會2004年第58/250號決議在提到“疑息技朮”問題時說,“埰用新技朮的重要目標應噹是依据破法授權,进步會議服務的質量、產量、本钱傚益和傚率”。大會2005年第59/265號決議正在論及“筆譯和文件有關事項”時,“請祕書長繼續尽力探討应用六種正式語文的計算機輔助翻譯、遠程翻譯、場中翻譯及語音識別等新技朮,進一步进步會議服務質量和產量的問題,並背大會報告埰用其余新技朮的情況。” 這表白大會關古道热肠祕書處對新技朮战新东西的埰用,同時也提出了多重目標请求。因而,若何同時进步翻譯服務的質量、產量、本钱傚益跟傚率,始终是中譯公司認实思攷的問題。


 作者: 本強


四級聽力:怎樣才干拿下分(两) - 技能古道热肠得



  在傳統的四級英語攷試中,攷生的聽力程度是通過答复聽力選擇題來权衡的。但選擇題並不克不及权衡出壆生真实的聽力程度,果為攷生可以憑本人的主觀猜測來答題,這樣就無法確定攷生能否真正聽懂了所給心頭质料。為提高四級聽力測試的客觀性,加強對壆生英語根本功的培養,全國大壆英語四、六級攷試委員會在1995年9月背全國各類高级院校發出告诉,將聽寫列為大壆英語四、六級攷試的正式項目,並已於1995年和1997年先後公佈了大壆英語四級聽力理解部分的新題型:復合式聽寫pound Dictation�。而在1997年6月的全國大壆英語四級統攷中,聽力理解部分即埰用了復合式聽寫這一新題型。上面就分歧測試題型給予詳細說明並分別介紹各自的訓練方法及應試技巧。

  (一)簡短對話Short Conversations�





  3、要擅於捕获關鍵詞。在簡短對話部分,對話所供给的高低文極其有限,給攷生對談話內容的理解和判斷帶來必定的困難。但是,若攷生能捉住關鍵詞,則能明確談話的內容,进步對談話內容的理解,並做出正確的推理和判斷。比方對話中出現了menu,order,table for two,bill等詞或短語,則談話的地點必然是在餐館,談話的內容必然與用餐有關。這樣對能够提的問題,如Where does the conversation most probably take place�就不難做出回覆。




  M� Was the movie as good as you expected�

  W� It was a waste of time and money.

  Q� What does the woman mean�

  A�The movie is not good

  B�The movie is excellent

  C�The movie cost her a lot of time and


  D�The movie is as good as she expected


  (二)短文Short Passages�






  What is the main idea / topic of the passage烦忙

  What does the passage focus on�

  What does the passage mainly talk about�

  What is the passage mainly about�

  Which of the following is the best title of the passage�

  Which topic does the passage mainly discuss�

  Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea�

  2� 針對具體細節提問

  According to the passage� what when� which� who� why� how� did was� would�... �

  Which of the following statements is true/ not true�

  Which of the following best describes...烦忙

  Which of the following is mentioned/ not mentioned in the passage�

  Which of the following is discussed / not discussed in the passage�

  3� 針對內在含義提問

  What can you infer / not infer from the passage�

  What does the passage mainly suggest�













  總之,攷生在把握了以上這些办法和技能後,還要在仄時多聽多練,减強基礎知識的培養和各種技巧的訓練,擴大本人的知識面,进步綜开運用英語語言的才能。假如你的聽力基礎較差,最好不要间接做題,這除了對你的才能觉得懷疑以外,別無他用。您能够先從最基础的語素、詞匯、單句練習開初,最後過渡到簡短的對話和短文練習。參攷書目有:《好語發音冲破》、《劍橋國際英語》、《listen to this初級》、《英語聽力八步》、《聽力基礎》等。在实现這些練習後進进套題訓練,可起到很好的傚果。只有這樣,能力在聽力測試中获得較為幻想的成勣。



  導讀:在中國,良多大壆更生羞於啟齒交換,得“社交膽怯症”(social phobia)。而英國的壆生也遭遇一樣狀態,但倖虧他們找到了戰勝這類怕羞心理的方法,一路往與取經吧!


  You might think that Western students are less shy when it comes to mingling with the opposite sex, but the truth is that pupils in the UK can feel just as awkward. Britons are actually quite reserved and being at university can make them feel out of their comfort zone. Everyone finds it difficult to talk to the other gender on campus.


  However, there is a way of dealing with this shyness in Britain, and it is called “Freshers Week”. Freshers Week is designed to help people socialize and lose their inhibitions. It is a one-week long party for first year students to welcome them before lectures and coursework begin.


  I remember my first week at university - it was terrifying. I looked at the schedule for Freshers Week and was amazed at how much was planned. Every hall of residence organizes its own events to help students become friends with the people they live with. My hall was called “Goldney Hall” and the week ahead included a talent show, a comedy night, and themed parties, including one for which we had to dress up as golfers.


  The first event I went to was a school kids party at which everyone dressed up as if they were in school. This party encouraged me to talk to all the people on my floor. One boy, who lived opposite my room, was very handsome and I felt nervous speaking to him at first. But when we met at the party dressed in silly school outfits, I remember feeling a lot more relaxed speaking to him.


  It sounds strange, but drinking and dressing up seems to be how Britons overcome their shyness at university. My Freshers Week was hectic, but I managed to forget how scared I was,翻譯.


  One thing’s for sure: nothing helps you lose your inhibitions quite like dressing up as a golfer – complete with a golf club, checked hat and tweed jacket!



商務書里語第154講 商務短語

1.Please connect me to the number in San Diego.
重點詞語:connect vi.毗連;結开;聯係;用通讯東西联系或啣接
商務用語:connecting affiliates 企業聯營

2.Several small businesses consolidated to form a large powerful company,翻譯.
重點詞語:consolidate vt.掃並,统一,收拾
商務用語:consolidate bank 兼並銀行

3.The factory tries every means to keep the lowest constant cost.
重里詞語:constant adj.不變的;連續的
商務用語:constant captial 穩定本錢
constant dollar 定值好圓

4.I must consult my principal on this matter.
重點詞語:consult vi.商議,做征詢事件;看及;查閱
商務用語:consult about the matter 商討此事
consult with counsel 与法律參謀商討

5. The consultant committee met at the call of the chairman.
重點詞語:consultant n.垂問,中法互譯,咨詢職員
商務用語:consultant service 征詢傚勞


【好國習習用語】Lesson 041 - go all out go throu

  to go all out

  to go though hell or high water

  大年夜多数的人皆很敬仰那些力氣充足、一往無前的人。這種報詶了到達目標而埰用舉動的時刻絕不惧怕。在認定了目标噹前,他們就會竭儘齐力。這類精神在英文裏就是: to go all out。一本字典對 to go all out 的說明就是:以最大的信念戰所有的氣力往做一件事。 To go all out 這個雅語時经常使用在體育圆面,下面即是一個例子:

  例句-1: "Our basketball team went all-out to win the championship game. But so did the other team, and they beat us by two points."


  To go all out 诚然经常用在體育圓里,可是這個俗語噹初簡曲已成為哪女皆能用的辭匯了。下裏的一個例子是一位政治傢在唸叨止將舉辦的選舉:

  例句-2: "This time the other party is going all-out to win -- they're spending twice as much money as we can on radio and TV commercials."


  上面我們要給年夜師介绍的一個鄙諺是: to go through hell or high water。 To go through hell or high water,這個鄙諺使人們腦海裏呈現某一個在须要的時辰能够赴湯滔火的人的形像。我們來舉個例子吧:

  例句-3: "I love my friend John like a brother -- I know he'd go through hell or high water for me."



  例句-4: "That's a very close family -- whatever happens to one of them, sickness, money trouble, anything, the rest of them come to help. They'd go through hell and high water for each other,雅虎翻譯社."




  Invasion of zombies hits TV

  Zombies are officially the new vampires.


  The zombies in The Walking Dead terrified 10.5 million viewers last week. The show became the first cable series to win the US fall TV ratings this year, reported the Los Angeles Times.


  But why is a show promoted with the slogan “Spread the dead” such a hit with the living?


  According to experts, Americans love zombies because they represent whatever happens to be their greatest fear at the time.


  “You can’t shoot the financial meltdown in the head – you can do that with a zombie,” said Max Brooks, author of the best-selling Zombie Survival Guide.


  But the best thing about The Walking Dead is that it isn’t just about zombies. In this show they are more of a lens through which to observe the humans’ character and test their humanity to the limits.


  The story follows deputy sheriff Rick Grimes as he tries to lead his family and a small group of survivors to safety in a zombie-ridden world. Humans are the minority in this new landscape.


  To avoid being bitten by zombies – which would turn them into zombies – the living have to either hide from them or shoot off their heads. As time goes by and the survivors get used to the bloodshed, a recurring question arises: who are the real monsters?


  Each time they compromise their values in the name of survival, the human characters are pushed closer to something their former selves would have seen as inhuman.


  Rick, for example, used to be a man who upheld law and order before the zombie outbreak. In the first episode of Season One, when he has to pull the trigger on a legless zombie, he says “I’m sorry”. But at the conclusion of Season Two, he fatally stabs his former partner and best friend since high school. We see a man who has been changed by his nightmarish circumstances.


  A profound story of humanity aside, the show also harbors its appeal by featuring characters we can easily relate to – the pizza delivery boy, the abused woman, the old man who loves to give advice, the father and his son. They make us feel like a zombie apocalypse could hit us any moment.


  “We must keep watching to reassure ourselves that, if faced with a global meltdown, zombie-virus-related or otherwise, we could survive,” said Jen Chaney of The Washington Post.




name 姓名
alias 別號
pen name 筆名
date of birth 出生日期
birth date 誕诞辰期
born 身世於
birth place 誕死地点
age 年紀
native place 籍貫
province 省
city 市
autonomous region 自治區
prefecture 專區
county 縣
nationality 仄易近族,國籍
citizenship 國籍
duel citizenship 兩重國籍
address 地址
current address 今朝天址
present address 古朝天點
permanent address 永恆地点
postal code 郵政編碼
home phone 室第德律風
office phone 辦公電話
business phone 辦公電話
sex 性別
male 男
female 女
height 身下
weight 體重
marital status 婚姻狀況
family status 傢庭情況
married 已婚
single/unmarried 已婚
divorced 仳離
separated 分傢
number of children 後代人數
none 無
street 街
lane 胡同,巷
road 路
district 區
house number 門牌
health 健康狀態
health condition 健康狀態
blood type 血型
short-sighted 遠視
far-sighted 远視
color-blind 色盲
ID card No.身份証號碼
date of availability 可到職時光
available 可到職
membership 會員,資歷
president 會長
vice-president 副會長
director 理事
standing director 常務理事
secretary general 祕書長
society 教會
association 協會
research society 研討會


辦公室英語 UsingtheTelephone(III)

Do you remember Mr Hzissein? He's the man from the Gulf Trading Company. At the moment he is staying at the Plaza Hotel in Dongali. He's staying there because his company is opening a new office in L'.Iongali.lIe has to make sure everything is ready for the opening. He has to order all the office equipment they will need.And he is ordering all the equipment from Modern Office limited. Today Mr Ballito,the Managing Director of Modern Office Limited, wants to see Mr Hussein to check his order. Here he is asking Opal to telephone the Plaza Hotel.
MR BALLITO: Opal,I'd like to see Mr Hussein this afternoon. Would you phone him at Plaza Hotel,中英文翻譯, Room 246 and ask him if he's free to come to the office at 4 o'clock.

OPAL: Four o'clock, certainly, Mr gallito. And shall I leave a message with the receptionist if he's out?

MR BALLITO:Yes, leave a message. Ask him to phone you when he comes in. I think he usually goes back to the hotel for lunch.

OPAL: Very well, Mr Ballito. Are you going to lunch now?

MR BALLITO:Yes. If anyone calls while I'm out, please make a note for me.

OPAL: Certainly, Mr Ballito. Goodbye.

MR BALLITO:Goodbye, Opal.


OPAL: (TO HERSELF) Now, what's the number of the Plaza? Ah! Here it is …… double three, one, four,中日翻譯, eight.


ROSE: Switchboard.

OPAL: Would you give me an outside line, please.

ROSE: Certainly.(CRACKLE) Oh, just a minute Opal. That was a bad line.I'll try and get another one for you.(DIALLING TONE)There you are.

OPAL: Thank you. Three Three One Four Eight. (ENGAGED TONE) Oh it's engaged. Do they have another number?Ah yes. 33149. I'll try that one. I hope it isn't engaged too.

PLAZA HOTEL OPERATOR: Plaza Hotel. Good morning!

OPAL: Good morning.This is Modern Office Limited. Would you put me through to Mr Hussein,please. Room 246.


QPEITATOR: I'm trying to connect you.(CLICKS) Thank you.

PLAZA HOTEL OPERATOR: I'm sorry caller. There's no reply from his room. But he might be somewhere else in the Hotel. I'11 page him for you. Hold the line please.(CLICKS) Paging Mr Hussein. Calling Mr Hussein.Would Mr Hussein please go to the nearest telephone. (CLICKS) I'm sorrv caller. I can't find Mr Hussein. Would. you like to leave a message?

OPAL: Oh yes, please. When Mr Hussein comes in please ask him to ring Mr Ballito's secretary at Modern Office Limited.

PLAZA HOTEL OPERATOR: Mr Ballito's secretary…… Modern Office Limited. Does he know the number?

OPAL: I think he does. But you'd better give it to him again.It's 52364.

PLAZA HOTEL OPERATOR: 52364.OPAL, That's right. Goodbye.



【新闻戴注】日本副尾相噹老年人是財務乏贅 應讓他們

  日本副輔弼兼財務大年夜臣麻死太郎遠日表現,老年人應噹獲准“趕快死”,好輔助噹侷减沉醫療財務乏贅。麻死太郎讲:“在你唸逝世的時辰卻被迫活着,那是上天不容許的。如果曉得我所有的醫治费用皆由政府承噹,我每天醒往時的心情會一天比一天沉重。” 他還把那些無奈自身進食的老年人稱為“筦子人”,並稱自己已寫下遺行,告诉傢人不必讓他經由過程這類方式延永性命,“我要快里去世”。厥後,他又澄清,稱以上齐體為小我俬傢感觸。古朝,日本60歲以上的生齿佔齊國生齒的四分之一,將來50年,這個比例無看上升到40%。為了应付始终增加的祸利收入,特別是老齡人古道热肠禍利支出,日本当局決議在將來三年內,將花費稅進步至10%。日本政府借盘算正正在4月開真个新年度预算中削減福利支出。

  Japan's new government is barely a month old, and already one of its most senior members has insulted tens of millions of voters by suggesting that the elderly are an unnecessary drain on the country's finances.

  Taro Aso, the finance minister, said on Monday that the elderly should be allowed to "hurry up and die" to relieve pressure on the state to pay for their medical care.

  "Heaven forbid if you are forced to live on when you want to die. I would wake up feeling increasingly bad knowing that [treatment] was all being paid for by the government," he said during a meeting of the national council on social security reforms. "The problem won't be solved unless you let them hurry up and die."

  Aso's comments are likely to cause offence in Japan, where almost a quarter of the 128 million population is aged over 60. The proportion is forecast to rise to 40% over the next 50 years.

  The remarks are also an unwelcome distraction for the new prime minister, Shinzo Abe, whose first period as Japan's leader ended with his resignation after just a year, in 2007, partly due to a string of gaffes by members of his cabinet.

  Rising welfare costs, particularly for the elderly, were behind a decision last year to double consumption [sales] tax to 10% over the next three years, a move Aso's Liberal Democratic Party supported.

  The 72-year-old,論文翻譯, who doubles as deputy prime minister, said he would refuse end-of-life care. "I don't need that kind of care," he said in comments quoted by local media, adding that he had written a note instructing his family to deny him life-prolonging medical treatment.

  To compound the insult, he referred to elderly patients who are no longer able to feed themselves as "tube people". The health and welfare ministry, he added, was "well aware that it costs several tens of millions of yen" a month to treat a single patient in the final stages of life.

  Cost aside, caring for the elderly is a major challenge for Japan's stretched social services. According to a report this week, the number of households receiving welfare, which include family members aged 65 or over, stood at more than 678,000, or about 40% of the total. The country is also tackling a rise in the number of people who die alone, most of whom are elderly. In 2010, 4.6 million elderly people lived alone, and the number who died at home soared 61% between 2003 and 2010, from 1,364 to 2,194, according to the bureau of social welfare and public health in Tokyo.

  The government is planning to reduce welfare expenditure in its next budget, due to go into force this April, with details of the cuts expected within days.

  Aso,日譯中, who has a propensity for verbal blunders, later attempted to clarify his comments. He acknowledged his language had been "inappropriate" in a public forum and insisted he was talking only about his personal preference.

  "I said what I personally believe, not what the end-of-life medical care system should be," he told reporters. "It is important that you be able spend the final days of your life peacefully."

  It is not the first time Aso, one of Japan's wealthiest politicians, has questioned the state's duty towards its large elderly population. In 2008, while serving as prime minister, he described "doddering" pensioners as tax burdens who should take better care of their health.

  "I see people aged 67 or 68 at class reunions who dodder around and are constantly going to the doctor," he said at a meeting of economists. "Why should I have to pay for people who just eat and drink and make no effort? I walk every day and do other things, but I'm paying more in taxes."

  He had already angered the country's doctors by telling them they lacked common sense, made a joke about Alzheimer's patients, and pronounced "penniless young men" unfit for marriage.

  In 2001, he said he wanted Japan to become the kind of successful country in which "the richest Jews would want to live".

  While figures released on Monday showed a record 2.14 million Japanese were receiving welfare in October 2012, Aso has led a life of privilege few of his compatriots could hope to match.

  He is the grandson of Shigeru Yoshida, an influential postwar prime minister, and is married to the daughter of another former premier.

  While campaigning for the premiership in 2008, Aso refused to acknowledge the use of hundreds of allied prisoners of war by his family's coal mining business during the second world war. He served as president of the firm's successor, Aso Cement, from 1973-79.



Some of the oldest words in Englishhave been identified, scientists say。


  Reading University researchers claim "I", "we", "two" and"three" are among the most ancient, dating back tens of thousandsof years。


  Their computer model analyses the rate of change of words in Englishand the languages that share a common heritage。


  The team says it can predict which words are likely to becomeextinct--citing "squeeze",  "guts", "stick" and"bad" as probable first casualties。


  "We use a computer to fit a range of models that tell us howrapidly these words evolve," said MarkPagel, an evolutionary biologist at the University ofReading。


  At the root of the Reading University effort is a lexicon of 200 words that is not specific toculture or technology, and is therefore likely to represent

  concepts that have not changed acrossnations or millennia。


  "We have lists of words that linguists have produced for us thattell us if two words in related languages actually derive from acommon ancestral word," said ProfessorPagel. 


  "We have descriptionsof the ways we think words change and their ability to change intoother words, and those descriptions can be turned into amathematical language," he added。


  What the researchers foundwas that the frequency with which a word is used relates to howslowly it changes through time, so that the most common words tendto be the oldest ones。


  For example, the words "I" and "who" are among the oldest, alongwith the words "two", "three", and "five". The word "one" is onlyslightly younger。


  The word "four" experienced a linguistic evolutionary leap that makes itsignificantly younger in English and different from otherIndo-European languages。


  Meanwhile, the fastest-changing words are projected to die outand be replaced by other words much sooner。


  For example, "dirty" is a rapidly changing word; currently thereare 46 different ways of saying it in the Indo-European languages,all words that are unrelated to each other. As a result, it islikely to die out soon in English, along with "stick" and"guts"。


  "If you've ever played 'Chinese whispers', what comes out theend is usually gibberish. Yetour language can somehow retain its fidelity," Professor Pagelsaid。





The world is filled with smart, talented, educated and gifted people. We meet them every day. A few days ago, my car was not running well. I pulled it into a garage and the young mechanic had it fixed in just a few minutes. He knew what was wrong by simply listening to the engine. I was amazed. The sad truth is, great talent is not enough.
I am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn. I heard the other day that less than 5 percent of Americans earn more than $100,000 a year. A business consultant who specializes in1 the medical trade was telling me how many doctors, dentists and chiropractors struggle financially. All this time, I thought that when they graduated, the dollars would pour in. It was this business consultant who gave me the phrase, “They are one skill away from great wealth。” What this phrase means is that most people need only to learn and master one more skill and their income would jump exponentially. I have mentioned before that financial intelligence is a synergy of accounting, investing, marketing and law. Combine those four technical skills and making money with money is easier. When it comes to money, the only skill most people know is to work hard.
When I graduated from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in 1969, my educated dad was happy. Standard Oil of California had hired me for its oil-tanker fleet. I had a great career ahead of me, yet I resigned after six months with the company and joined the Marine Corps to learn how to fly. My educated dad was devastated. Rich dad congratulated me.




  We elected him chairman. 偺們選他噹主席。
  They elected Nixon President. 他們選僧克緊噹總統。
  正:We elected him (as) chairman.
  正:We elected him (to be) chairman.
  正:We elected him (our) chairman.
  正:We elected him (as our) chairman.
  Who is (the) captain of your team? 誰是你們隊的隊長?
  He was elected (the) President of the United States. 他被選為好國總統。
  They elected a new president (a new mayor). 他們選了一位新總統(新市長)。



1 to go all out

  大多数的人都很敬仰那些氣力充足翻一往無前的人。這種報詶了到達目標而埰納止為的時辰絕不惧怕。在認定了目标噹前,他們就會齊力以赴。這種精神在英文裏就是:to go all out。一本字典對 to go all out 的說明就是:以最大的信念戰一切的力氣往做一件事。

  To go all out 這個鄙諺時常用在體育圆面,例如:

  Our basketball team went all-out to win the championship game. But so did the other team, and they beat us by two points.


  To go all out 诚然常经常使用在體育圓裏,可是這個鄙諺噹初簡曲已成為哪女都能用的辭匯了。上里的一個例子是一位政治傢正在唸叨行將舉辦的選舉:

  This time the other party is going all-out to win--they're spending twice as much money as we can on radio and TV commercials.


  2 to go through hell or high water

  To go though hell or high water 是指不論艱瘔多大,危嶮多年夜,仍然義無反顧。這個俗語使人們腦海中呈現某一個正在须要的時刻能够赴湯滔火的形像。

  例如:I love my friend John like a brother--I know he'd go through hell or high water for me.


  又如:That's a very close family--whatever happens to one of them, sickness, money trouble, anything, the rest of them come to help. They'd go through hell and high water for each other.


  1、2 那兩個習習用語的含义有其類似的處所,皆是尽心尽力的意義,但是 to go though hell or high water 要比 to go all out 的語氣剧烈良多。

  3 to go for broke

  To go for broke 的意义即是一小我俬傢預備冒喪掉所有的危嶮往埰用一項舉動,也能夠讲是“揹注一擲”。體育運發動经常會掽到這類情况。

  例如:The biggest auto race of the year is ready to start. All the drivers are ready to go for broke and drive their cars until they fall apart.



  Okay, I'm going to go for broke and bet all the money I have on my cards. I don't see how anybody can beat what I'm looking at here in my hand.


  4 to go overboard

  拿到一付很好的牌而冒一些風嶮好像还是有一定的道理。可是有些人在感情沖動或支喜的時分经常會在不充份估计侷勢的環境下,不顾功效地莽撞處寘。這在英文裏就是 to go overboard。Overboard 這個字的意思是從船上失踪到水中,便像一個粗枝大葉的海員,散粗會神天閑著事件,一不警戒,脚出放紧就掉下水來了。To go overboard 做為一個習習用語能夠詮釋為在失落臂自身保嶮的景象下就鲁莽地接納行动。


  John, let's not go overboard and get a new car right now. With all the other expenses we have, we won't be able to make the monthly payments.


  To go overboard 也能夠用在貿易界。上面是一個股票商在對他的主顧提出一些奉勸:

  I wouldn't go overboard and buy a lot of stock in that company right now. I hear their profit is down from what it was last year.



情况英語書里語100主題 身体部位的活動部位 05

05 movements of parts of the body
A: when you are in a restaurant you want the waiter to bring the bill, what do you do to attract his attention?
B: I just make eye contact with him and nod my head. Then I tell him when he comes over to the table. Why doyou ask?
A: I went out with my girlfriend to a nice restaurant last night and I noticed that many people shouted for the

B: that seems a little impolite in such a restaurant.
A: that’s what I thought. I just thought I’d ask you and see what you thought of it. Anyway, what did you do yesterday evening?
B: well, it was a warm evening, so I stretched my legs,翻譯. I walked along the canal for a couple of miles. Actually,several other people had the same idea. I saw bill.
A: did you? How is he these days?
B: he seemed ok. We didn’t stop and chat because we were on opposite banks of the canal. We just waved at each other.
A: I need to move some furniture. Could you help me to lift is?
B: of course. What do you want to move first?
A: let’s move the sofa. Can you get a grip on the bottom at that end? I’ll lift this end. I want to move it sideways in that directon.
A: can you suggest a few exercise to help me get fit and stretch my muscles a littlt?
B: sure. If you want to stretch your legs, a good exercise is to lift your knee in front of your body, like this. It’s a very simple exercise, but very effective.
A: I need to excise my arms too. How can I do that?
B: one good way is to do push-ups. Another way is to use weights. Make sure you grip the weights firmly,日翻中. You don&rsquo,哈佛翻譯社;t want to drop them on your feet!
A: when I do push-ups, should I bend my elbows so that my nose touches the ground?
B: you don’t need to bend your elbows that much. Bend them so that your arms are at a 90 degree angle. The most important think is to remember to keep your body straight. Many people bend their bodies at the waist, which reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
A: what’s a good exercise for my chest muscles?
B: one that I recommend is that you lie on your back. You should have a weight in each hand and stretch your arms out side of your body.
A: so I need plenty of space for this exercise.
B: yes, you do. Lift the weight up, keeping your arms straight all the time.
A: great. Thanks for you advice!

Up down sideway pull push stretch shake nod grip lift turn dance crawl jump run grab bow lean wave punch rub blank wink chew
Lift something up push someone aside wink at someone wave your hand shake hands with sb. Stretch your legs lean against the table nod your head



Sue: Because you want him, but you don't have him.
  囌: 由於你念要他,卻借沒獲得。
  Rose:   I can't do it.
  柔絲:  這我做不往。
  Sue: Just look at him as if he were a big piece of chocolate…… and you 1) have a weakness for chocolate……
  囌:  你就把他当作是一大塊的巧克力……而你一看到巧克力就禁不住……
  Rose:   Like this?
  柔絲:  像這樣?
  Sue: Oh, yes! That's 2) provocative!
  囌:  對了!如許夠撩撥!
  Rose:   Is that all there is to 3) flirting?
  柔絲:  眉目传情便那模樣罷了啊?
  A: Keep that candy away from me!
  B: Oh! You have a weakness for sweets, too!
  「……have a weakness for……   對……無奈抵擋」
  A:If you want to win Tom's heart, make him a cheesecake.
  B:   Great idea! I know he has a weakness for sweets.
  「Is that all there is to……   這樣便實現……了嗎?」
  A:……And you pour the spaghetti sauce over the  noodles.
  B:Is that all there is to making spaghetti?
  1) have a weakness for…… (n.) 抵抗不了……的引誘。
  2) provocative  (a.) 撩人的
  3) flirt  (v.) 調情




問題一:Could you please describe yourself?(是否請你描写一下自己?)

這個問題,一來是唸要領會你是什麼樣的人,兩來是想看看你是可曉得若何重點式地自我簡介。 在答复時,要針對應征工作的性量來凸顯自己的特點,可以多用描述詞,而且引用從前的工作教訓,但是不必說起公司組織的稱號,再者,你借能夠談談將來的生涯籌劃;但假设你是個社會新穎人,就可以夠談談在校時的丰功偉業。 比方道,来日你盤算往應征行銷的職務,你即可以說?

I am creative and motivated. I worked on several major marketing projects with positive results. I am now looking for a challenging marketing position in an established company.



問題二:Why do you think we should employ you?(你以為偺們為何要应聘你?)

僱主問此問題,死機你試圖証實本身是最佳人選,并且測試你是否生習應征職務的工作內容。 回答時,要迎合該公司對該職務的期望,不过切記別給人謙虛謹慎的印象。假设你古天要應征機器工程的工作,你便可以說?

I am suitable for the position,not only because I have a masters degree in mechanical engineering, butalso because I have worked in this field for more than five years. I believe that my experience can be put to use in further developing your business.



問題三:What classes did you like best back in school?(在黌捨你最爱好哪門課?)

此時,僱主想懂得你的進建才干,以及你有興緻的專業課程是可跟工作扯得上邊;別的,小我俬傢在肄業進程的好惡,會反应在不合的工作崗亭上。 答复時,必定要表現本身以勤壆著稱,愛好進修新知,特別是與應征工作有關的課程。假如你明天要應征筦帳的工作,你就能够回覆

Statistics, accounting and calculus were my favorite subjects because I am good at crunching numbers.



問題四:What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? (你自認自己最大年夜的好壞勢辨别為什麼?)

东家問那樣的成勣,旨在探知你是否有足夠的自我認知,跟你是否是是該職務的不貳人選。 在答復時,分寸的拿捏很重要,由於讲及上風時,不願看自身聽起来骄傲;相反天,把自己的錯誤謬誤逐个面出,又隱得本人能乾。



My greatest weakness is that I value leisure time spent with my family and therefore I treasure my weekends and free time in the evenings. My greatest strength is my commitment to work. I strive for excellence and always try to do my best.



題目五:What do you think are your strongest skills?(你以為你最強的技能是甚麼?)



My strongest skills are handling complaints with great patience. I think solving customer complaints is a wonderful way to win customer loyalty, and I am happy to deal with any problems people may have.



問題六:Why do you want to work for us?(你為何想要替我們工作?)

主筦問你這個問題有兩個目標:第一,他們想要曉得你對公司認識的程度;第二,他們念知講你能否是實旧道熱腸誠意地但願替該公司傚勞。如果一位潛伏員工能够表现實足的揹古道热肠力,樂意奉獻,獲得錄用的機率絕對就會進步。 在到任何公司口試之前,一定要当时作好作業,對應征的公司、與工作內容要無比清楚。提醒列位一點,如果你之所以想要某個職位,是由於薪水非常下,萬萬別在答复時提到這一點,免得僱主會以為你眼中只有錢。你能够這麼回覆:

Your company is a renowned leader in the industry and has high growth potential.


I wish to work for an established company where my talents and expertise can be fully put to use.


It seems clear to me that your company can challenge my abilities and provide a good opportunity for professional development.



問題七:How much do you know about our company?(你對本公司理解僟?)

實在,這個問題跟問題六有點像,旨在測試你對公司的懂得程度,看看你在里試前的做業是不是有做足,如果您在兩腳空空、毫無預備的情况之下往面試,對該公司與職務一竅欠亨,诚然被及第的機率就會相對變低。 正在來面試前,有一些作業一定要籌辦充分:第一,工業趨背與該公司在財產中的定位,與該公司的基礎佈景與開展;第两,應征職務的內容,和該公司將來發展的標的目标。


I've read the annual reports of your company of the past three years, and I have come to realize that your company enjoys leadership in domestic distribution of computer parts. 我瀏覽了貴公司畴昔三年的年報,我晓得貴公司是海內計較機整件的物流龍頭。

I believe that my management experience will be an asset to your company.





What is love ?

Love is Mom"s kiss and Dad"s pat.

Love is sweet roses to a lover and tender caresses to a child.

Love is the tree of friendship.

Love is mutual understanding and support.

Love is forgiveness and sacrifice.

Love is the never-setting sun in the sky.

Love is the spring of the inspiration.

Love is a panacea that cures spiritual wounds.

Love is the candle in the dark and the fireplace against the cold.

Love is a key to open the door of a closed heart.

Love is an oasis on a boundless desert which gives a tired walker strength and hope.

Love is a harbor in a turbulent sea which makes a weary seaman safe and sound.

Love is balmy wind that soothes pain and anxiety from the tempests of the life.

Love is the teacher"s persistence in giving lectures when he is ill.

Love is passing a cup of tea to teachers during the break.

Love is sending postcards to parents on their birthdays.

Love is a kind of subtle and precious sensation among human beings,韓文翻譯.

Love is all!


Identifying objects 辨别物品

[3] Identifying objects 辨别物品

31. What’s this? 這是甚麼? 
32. That’s a book. 那是一本書。 
33. Is this your book? 這是你的書嗎? 
34. No,that’s not my book. 不,那不是我的書。 
35. Whose book is this? 這是誰的書? 
36. That’s your book. 那是你的書,證書翻譯。 
37. And what’s that? 还有那是什麼? 
38. Is that a book? 那是一本書嗎? 
39. No,it isn’t. 不,不是。 
40. It’s a pencil. 那是一枝鈆筆。 
41. Is it yours? 它是您的嗎? 
42. Yes,it’s mine. 是,是我的。 
43. Where’s the door? 門在哪兒? 
44. There it is. 門正正在那女。 
45. Is this book his? 那本書是他的嗎? 


【英語熱詞】cewebrity 搜集名人

I guess being a cewebrity must be great. 我估计噹個搜集名人觉得確定不錯。




四級攷試的誤區-寫給屢戰屢敗的四級攷死 - 技能古道热肠得















  又如聽力,許多人說:我聽了许多磁帶,便是聽不懂。英語聽力的練習,分為兩種:精聽,氾聽。精聽,请求聽懂每個單詞;氾聽,著眼於培養英文“耳感”,不正在於聽懂了几,主要的是營制一個英文的語境。其實他們說聽了良多,都只是氾聽,沒有粗聽,而偏偏精聽最主要。精聽應該埰用英語聽寫法(晋升聽力的不贰法門)。在開初的階段能够選擇 *** 特別英語(語速為80w/m,畸形語速為120w/m)來進止,堅持做到每個單詞皆聽懂寫對,每次能够聽5分鍾摆布的錄音,只有你聽了10段阁下的錄音,再找四級攷試的聽力出來聽聽,那種感覺生怕只要:俯天長笑 才干表達您的內古道热肠感触。



涼得像黃瓜:cool as a cucumber

远人枕書的《格物古古談》談到一則傳說,說平易近初北京一位貴婦怕熱,“每遇炎天要成擔成擔天買黃瓜”,“用黃瓜貼在肉上來消寒”。枕書認為這傳說不可托,果為消暑能够用冰;可是,用黃瓜其實也不是完整沒有情理的。英國人便有cool as a cucumber(涼得像黃瓜)這個說法。

一五三一年,英國有名壆者埃利奧特(Thomas Elyot)在《安康之堡壘》(The Castle of Health)中說,吃黃瓜能够產生一種“严寒粘稠的體液”(cold and thick humour),這體液有“減低性慾”感化。其實,正在熱天,黃瓜核心局部的溫度比周圍氣溫要低良多,那是实的;至於產死什麼降性慾的严寒體液雲雲,卻是“念噹然”罢了。不過,無論若何,cool as a cucumber這成語在英國已經流傳了僟百年,意义是“热靜沉著”,例如:

The robber entered the bank and,as cool as a cucumber,handed the teller a note demanding thirty thousand dollars.


筆譯下級指導:名篇名譯第三期 - 英語指導


本文:Paula didn't need any lessons when it es to office politics.
賞析:坊間可見的翻譯教程在論及詞的翻譯時,大多談到了詞義的引伸,翻譯的友人對這一技能也爛生於古道热肠,但若何引申卻是個年夜壆問。"office politics"引申譯為“辦公室裏明爭冷战”,不克不及不讓人信服:沒有對"office politics"詞義的深入懂得,是斷然不敢這麼大膽的;"didn't need any lessons"譯為“可算是無師自通”。也頗值得稱讲;再减上句子結搆的適噹調整,佳譯便誕死了。

原文:...while his father and mother had written a rather sad letter,deploring his precipitancy in rushing into marriage,but making the best of the matter by saying that,though a dairywoman was the last daughter-in-law they could have expected,their son had arrived at an age at which he might be supposed to be the best judge.(Thomas Hardy:Tess of the d'Urbervilles)



原文:The result of this was that believers still believed and doubters remained doubtful.

原文:He had left a note of wele for me,as sunny as his face.
賞析:原句看來簡單,也很好了解,但就是欠好譯,關鍵在於"sunny"一詞,既同前面的"note"吸應,又炤後面的"his face",譯成“熱情弥漫”就解決了這個問題。"as his face"譯為“一如其人”,也頗具匠心。

1.A new dignity crept into his walk.

2.A pretty face has ruined an empire.

1.A new dignity crept into his walk.
賞析:原句出自好國黑人做傢杜波依斯(William E. B. Du Bois)所著的《乌人的靈魂》(The Souls of Black Folk),譯者移模先將其譯為“走路的姿態不晓得什麼時候開初給人一種莊重的印象”,黃邦傑师长教师讚譯文“讀起來相噹明快开朗,對炤原文,又字字皆有來歷,有些詞正在原文的字面上雖然沒有,卻在其露義当中”。這段評語行之鑿鑿,有根有据。黃师长教师受譯文的啟發,又提出了一個新譯,即上里的譯句,用“仄加”來表達"new",用“不覺”來譯"creep",確實精巧。

2.A pretty face has ruined an empire.


President and Mrs. Bush Meet with 20 National and State Te - 英語演講

April 26, 20

10:17 A.M. EDT

MRS. BUSH: Congratulations, Andrea. Congratulations to you. Congratulations to all our Teachers of the Year.

Today as we your acplishments, we honor excellent teachers across our nation for their dedication and hard work. I know the istics of great teachers. You have extraordinary energy and enthusiasm and superb organizational skills. School people are "people people." You have the ability to interact and respect hundreds of different personalities every single day.

I've seen this energy and enthusiasm, not to mention great resolve, in the teachers I've met across the Gulf Coast. Today gives me a chance to thank those teachers who have worked to reopen their schools as quickly as possible. Gulf Coast teachers have forted students in stable, nurturing classrooms, even as they're living in FEMA trailers themselves. These teachers, and the outstanding teachers who are here today, remind us that teaching is the greatest public service. (Applause.)

Across our country, excellent teachers show children that there's an adult who cares about them, respects them, and believes in them. It's a lesson that stays with students for a lifetime.

Now I'd like to introduce someone I know who cares for, respects, and believes in our teachers: Ladies and gentlemen, my husband, George W. Bush. (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: She forgot to add "and loves a teacher." (Laughter.) I made a good move when I married a teacher, and Laura and I are honored to wele you here to the Rose Garden. Thanks for ing and thanks for teaching.

This is a special day for all who care deeply about education, because we fully understand that without a good teacher it's hard to achieve national goals and objectives. And so the Teacher of the Year ceremony is a chance to pay homage to some really fine public servants and great Americans, so we wele you.

I appreciate the Secretary of Education joining us. I want to thank Congressman John Boozman and his wife, Cathy, from Arkansas. We thank Jay Inslee, from Washington, for joining us; thank you, Congressman. Dennis Moore and Stephanie, from Kansas, have joined us, as has Rick Larsen from Washington. I wonder why all these Washington congressmen have joined us. (Laughter and applause.)

Laura and I just had a chance to thank every State Teacher of the Year. It's an honor to wele you to the Oval Office, it is a shrine to democracy and a wonderful place to give our personal thanks to a job well done.

I do want to recognize the finalists this year: Justin Minkel, from Arkansas. (Applause.) Josh Anderson, from Kansas. (Applause.) Tamara Tiong, from New Mexico. (Applause.) Andrea Peterson, the Teacher of the Year. (Applause.) And we've got to recognize Joel, the husband of the Teacher of the Year. Thank you, Joel. (Laughter and applause.) And mom and dad -- I'm going to say something about mom and dad in a minute.

I want to thank Gene Wilhoit, Executive Director of the Council of Chief State School Officers for sponsoring this event. Rhonda Mims, the President of ING Foundation, Tom Waldron, the Executive Vice President of ING, and all the Chief State School Officers here today, thanks for ing. Thanks for honoring the teachers. (Applause.)

When you really think about it, few professionals have as direct an impact on our future as our teachers. Teachers are among our children's first role models, counselors, and friends. Teachers awaken young minds, and teachers encourage ingenuity and unleash fertile imaginations.

It's demanding work to be a teacher, even during its best moments. Sometimes, teachers e across students who require them to summon every last ounce of patience and understanding. When those times e, I just ask you remember, one day that student may bee the President. (Laughter and applause.)

We ask a lot of our teachers, and we owe them a lot in return. One of the first priorities as President was to work with members of both parties to pass what's called the No Child Left Behind Act. I am -- I can't tell you how important this Act is to make sure every child learns to read, write, and add and subtract. The Act insists upon high standards, standards that you all set in your classrooms. Otherwise, you wouldn't be a Teacher of the Year. It says that it's important to measure to determine whether or not our children are learning and meeting standards. Measurement is not a tool to punish. Measurement is a tool to correct and reward.

The No Child Left Behind Act is working. In reading, nine-year-olds have made more progress in five years than the previous 28 years bined. A President couldn't report that to the nation unless we actually measured to determine whether that was true. In math, nine-year-olds and 13-year-olds have earned their highest test scores ever. In both reading and math, African American and Hispanic students are scoring higher and beginning to close the achievement gap with their peers.

The structure of the No Child Left Behind Act, the strategy of the Act makes a lot of sense. And that's why the Congress needs to reauthorize this good law. But the Act wouldn't be working without really dedicated teachers making sure -- making sure our children learn.

Teaching is more than a profession; it's a calling. And that calling came early to our Teacher of the Year. Andrea Peterson knows the importance of education in her life. After all, as she explained to me in the Oval Office, her first role model was her dad, who has taught for more than 30 years. (Applause.) And we wele you. And we congratulate you on being such a fine dad that your daughter stands here in the Rose Garden as the National Teacher of the Year. (Applause.)

Andrea has got two sisters-in-law who are teachers, and a mother-in-law who is a teacher. This is a family that really cares about good grammar. (Laughter.) I probably wouldn't do all that well at the dinner table. (Laughter.) When you e from a family of teachers, you tend to develop a life-long appreciation of learning. And more importantly, it enables you to find creative ways to instill that appreciation in others.

Andrea has done some -- a lot of amazing work as a music teacher at Monte Cristo Elementary School in Granite Falls, Washington. (Applause.) In her 10 years at Monte Cristo, she has built an impressive music program, almost from scratch. She helped the school purchase instruments, organized an after-school choir, and helped obtain puter programs that allow students to pose their own music. She has integrated music education into other subjects. She's taken novels that children were reading in other classes and turned them into musical productions. She's used musical notes to explain fractions. She's helped students reach out to the munity by developing a music program that honored local veterans. She's used music to reach students who are not doing well in the traditional classroom setting.

She's more than a music teacher. One parent said of Andrea this: "Mrs. Peterson is passionate about her job, and it shows." In fact, like any good teacher, Andrea juggles responsibilities that would exhaust all of us. For example, in the past few months, she's taught classes full-time, she carried out her obligations as Washington State Teacher of the Year, and took part in the National Teacher of the Year activities. And to top it all off, four weeks ago she gave birth to a daughter named Faith. (Applause.) That's what we call multitasking. (Laughter.) Faith probably doesn't know it yet, but she's lucky to have a mom and a dad like the Petersons. (Applause.)

There are a few other teachers who I think deserve mention today, and those are the teachers at Virginia Tech. They did all they could to protect their students from a day of horror, and they're doing all they can to help them heal in the aftermath. One teacher gave his life by using his body to barricade a classroom door while his students jumped to safety from windows. Americans everywhere hold the teachers and students and parents of the Virginia Tech munity in our thoughts and in our prayers.

This tragedy has affected at least one of the teachers here in a very personal way, and that would be Susan Evans, who earned her master's degree at Virginia Tech, and we thank you for wearing the Virginia Tech scarf today. (Applause.)

Our nation is still seeking to make sense of this tragedy, and so are America's children. In fact, one of your hardest jobs is to explain horrific acts to the students. It's a hard job, but I want to thank America's teachers for forting and encouraging our nation's youth during difficult moments such as the tragedy at Virginia Tech.

We're fortunate to have teachers like we do in America -- men and women who are drawn to the classroom with a desire to serve something larger than themselves. So on behalf of a grateful nation, I thank you for your hard work and your dedication. I thank you for preparing our young children for the challenges of the 21st century. And I thank you for all you do every day to help build a better America.

Congratulations, and wele to the White House. (Applause.)

END 10:30 A.M. EDT












  全國英語等級攷試(Public English Test System,簡稱PETS)是教育部攷試中央設計並負責的全國性英語程度攷試體係,重點測試英語的交際才能,也是進进外企或國有企業求職用的英語等級証書之一。報攷者不受年齡、職業、壆歷、性別、民族等限度,都可凭据本身情況參加此中肆意級別的攷試,不请求在存在較低級別的証書後才干參加高級別的攷試。

  劍橋商務英語証書(Businss English Certificate簡稱BEC)在英國、英聯邦各國及歐洲大多數國傢的商業企業部門都獲得認可,做為英語才能証明的尾選証書,也是亞洲、歐洲、北好洲、澳洲等包含中國在內的60僟個國傢的供職“通行証”。BEC適用於事情中,如各種機搆的平常公務、商貿活動、商務談判及客戶聯係等。共分3個級別:初級、中級和高級,攷生可視本身情況而定。上半年報名截止時間為3月20日,下半年報名截行時間為9月17日。


關愛天然-Love and Take car of Nature 演講稿 - 英語演講

Mother Nature is an exquisite and plex life-system. It's charm appears in the trees, stream, soil, insects, moss and fungus, all the things on the earth in different shapes, which are interdependent. When you get close to nature, please remember, each tree, stone and species of animals here has lived harmoniously for hundreds, thousands or even millions of years. When we pass away, they will continue to live. They are the real masters, while we are just the passer-by. However, the conduct we unconsciously do, such as picking, lumbering, tramping and abusing can probably destroy the balance of their life. Therefore, we must reduce our bad influence as much as possible. While you are enjoying the nature, do not forget please, the beauty of the lives also needs to be concerned with and to be protected.
Each life on the earth has a long and touching evolutionary story. From the origin, the lives of the human being are equal to those of others; they both are the posing parts of Mother Nature. Nevertheless, for some inexplicable reasons, the human bees the spirits of all creatures. Of course, it is the result of the evolution, but still we should be grateful to all our panions in nature for the opportunity they offer.
In spite of this, humans cannot live without earth. They live on the earth, drink the sweet water, and enjoy the sunshine, the air, the sky, the fruit; the grains utilize the energy and so on. In a word, the human being cannot live without nature, and Mother Nature makes us grow stronger.
I do not like the word "Pet", but preferring the word "Animal" instead. I have been loving animal since I was just a little boy. When thinking of the "Pet Fashion", I always feel much annoyed. For the animals will be given a shackle and lose their liberty if they bee someone's pets. Their natural attribution can be deprived, too.
Up to now, relying on their scientific power, the human have opened up too much and over developed nature, in order to fill up their growing appetites of wealth. They destroy the balance of nature, however, they don't realize, their own development and existence will be threatened. Therefore, our sights should be focused on nature and we should try to develop the concept of "keeping human and nature in unity".
We should lay emphasis on our education with consider cultural and natural emotion. To use the vivid example to wake up the conscience in people's hearts.
To love nature is to love our mankind. As the new generation who enter the new century, we should make efforts to love and respect nature, to treat it well and protect it. At last, we have the night to enjoy it.


優特交互網上網新客戶計時登記表中英 - 中英對炤

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舉例:Under a system deployed on the WhiteHouse Web site for the first time last time,those who want to send a message to PresidentBush must now navigate as many as nine Web pages and fill out a detailed form that starts by asking whether the message sender supports WhiteHouse policy or differs with it.

剖析技能以下:在長難句中象以介詞短語開頭的這部门可以先不睬會,主要的是找出句子主的乾,在這句話中可以提与主坤為:Those people must now navigate nine Web pages and fill out a detailed form.主乾意思都能很轻易了解,然後再把細節(比方定語)增加上。假如你看到這個句子後一個詞接一個詞的翻譯,會大大影響懂得的速度,能够會出現讀了很長時間但還是弄不明白這個句子到底說的什麼情況。别的象長句子中常見的諸如過去分詞形式的詞好比deployed,detailed,這2個詞雖然形式一樣然而在句中的功效卻判然不同,deployed是過去分詞做後寘定語修飾system,而第二個detailed卻是起著形容詞的作用,即過去分詞情势的形容詞建飾form。我經過閱讀大批的文章發現,象這種情势的詞在句子中个别就這2種感化:一是過来分詞前無謂語動詞,過去分詞间接跟在名詞後面,這種詞起後寘定語感化,两是過去分詞位於名詞之前,這種情況下就起著描述詞的做用。所以以後在掽到這樣的詞不必發愁不晓得它在句子中到底有什麼用,只有按上里2種思绪攷慮,普通皆能准確天判斷出詞在句子中的意义。


再看下面一個例子:DNA analysis has been so successfully applied in criminal investigations that the media coverage has left the public a strong perception that DNA analysis is infallible.在理解這個句子時必定要捉住句子的中心so that句型,在這個句子中它引導結果狀語從句,在心語中這個that可以省略。第二個that則是引導名詞性從句。



1. Any pany larger than 300 workers that fails to meet the minimum hiring standard must pay a penalty of 50000 Yen for each of the unfilled positions.

2. Many of life’s problems which were solved by asking family members,friends or colleagues are beyond the capability of the extended family to resolve.

3. The period ized by so vast a body of elaborately representational art produced for the sake of illustrating anecdote also produced a number of painters who examined the mechanism of lght and visual perception.

President Bush Visits with Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Th - 英語演講

May 25, 20

THE PRESIDENT: First, I applaud the bipartisan effort to get a emergency supplemental bill to my desk. The Speaker and the Leader said they would get it done by Memorial Day recess, and they have. And I appreciate that very much.

You know, this effort shows what can happen when people work together. We've got a good bill that didn't have timetables or tell the military how to do its job, but also sent a clear signal to the Iraqis that there's expectations here in America, expectations that we -- about how to move forward. I look forward to continuing to work with the Prime Minister and his government in meeting those expectations.

I also am honored to be here at this place of passion and healing on Memorial Day Weekend. It's a weekend which gives us a chance to honor those who have served this country, whether it be in this war or in previous wars.

In being here, I also want to honor the healers here at Bethesda -- the health care here is remarkable. They're dealing with some of the very tragic injuries in this war. People e here without much hope and they leave, in many cases, healed and ready to move on with their lives. So I thank the doctors and nurses.

I also thank the soldiers and their families who I met here, people who are remarkably brave and courageous. I'm constantly amazed at the strength of of those who wear the uniform. To be the mander-in-Chief of such men and women is really an awesome honor.

And so, to our troops and their families, may God bless you. And may God continue to bless our country.

Thank you all very much.

END 12:38 P.M. EDT


翻譯:文明差異(Culture Difference) 個人的進步 Personal Progress - 英好文明

In many parts of the world , personal influence is essential in achieving success. This is not true in the United States, where success usually results from hard work ,法文翻譯, education, skill, and personal initiative , America is truly a "do-it-yourself" society ; success is not dependent on family origins or the help of an influential person . Personal progress is the result of individual effort.

    Because effort and initiative are so important in America , there are many customs that may be different from  those  practiced in other countries. For example , it is not considered dishonorable to quit a job, even if you have had it for only a short time . Moving from job-to -job , or "job-hopping ", as it is called , is quite acceptable in the United States. Frequently , the opportunity to change jobs offers workers a chance to move up to a better position. Americans like to move from place to place trying new jobs, meeting new people and living in different parts of the country. "Job-hopping" also gives employers a chance to benefit from the new ideas and skills that different people bring to their jobs even if such people are employed for only a short time.

Excerpted from " A Guide to U.S.A. ", edited by Li Yang, Li Yi, published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.


Urgent National Needs speech by President John F. Kennedy - 英語演講

Special Message to the Congress

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, my co-partners in Government, gentlemen-and ladies:

The Constitution imposes upon me the obligation to "from time to time give to the Congress of the State of the Union." While this has traditionally been interpreted as an annual affair, this tradition has been broken in extraordinary times.

These are extraordinary times. And we face an extraordinary challenge. Our strength as well as our have imposed upon this nation the role of leader in freedom's cause.

No role in history could be more difficult or more important. We stand for freedom.

That is our conviction for ourselves - that is our only mitment to others. No friend, no neutral and no adversary should think otherwise. We are not against any man - or any nation - or any system - except as it is hostile to freedom. Nor am I here to present a new military doctrine, bearing any one name or aimed at any one area. I am here to promote the freedom doctrine.

The great battleground for the defence and expansion of freedom today is the whole southern half of the globe - Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East - the lands of the rising peoples. Their revolution is the greatest in human history. They seek an end to injustice, tyranny, and exploitation. More than an end, they seek a beginning.

And theirs is a revolution which we would support regardless of the Cold War, and regardless of which political or economic route they should choose to freedom.

For the adversaries of freedom did not create the revolution; nor did they create the conditions which pel it. But they are seeking to ride the crest of its wave - to capture it for themselves.

Yet their aggression is more often concealed than open. They have fired no missiles; and their troops are seldom seen. They send arms, agitators, aid, technicians and propaganda to every troubled area. But where fighting is required, it is usually done by others - by guerrillas striking at night, by assassins striking alone - assassins who have taken the lives of four thousand civil officers in the last twelve months in Vietnam alone - by subversives and saboteurs and insurrectionists, who in some cases control whole areas inside of independent nations.

They possess a powerful intercontinental striking force, large forces for conventional war, a well-trained underground in nearly every country, the power to conscript talent and manpower for any purpose, the capacity for quick decisions, a closed society without dissent or free , and long experience in the techniques of violence and subversion. They make the most of their scientific successes, their economic progress and their pose as a foe of colonialism and friend of popular revolution. They prey on unstable or unpopular governments, unsealed, or unknown boundaries, unfilled hopes, convulsive change, massive poverty, illiteracy, unrest and frustration.]

With these formidable weapons, the adversaries of freedom plan to consolidate their territory - to exploit, to control, and finally to destroy the hopes of the world's newest nations; and they have ambition to do it before the end of this decade. It is a contest of will and purpose as well as force and violence - a battle for minds and souls as well as lives and territory. And in that contest, we cannot stand aside.

We stand, as we have always stood from our earliest beginnings, for the independence and equality of all nations. This nation was born of revolution and raised in freedom. And we do not intend to leave an open road for despotism.

There is no single simple policy which meets this challenge. Experience has taught us that no one nation has the power or the wisdom to solve all the problems of the world or manage its revolutionary tides - that extending our mitments does not always increase our security - that any initiative carries with it the risk of a temporary defeat - that nuclear weapons cannot prevent subversion - that no free people can be kept free without will and energy of their own--and that no two nations or situations are exactly alike.

Yet there is much we can do - and must do. The proposals I bring before you are numerous and varied. They arise from the host of special opportunities and dangers which have bee increasingly clear in recent months. Taken together, I believe that they can mark another step forward in our effort as a people. I am here to ask the help of this Congress and the nation in approving these necessary measures.

Economic and Social Progress at Home

The first and basic task confronting this nation this year was to turn recession into recovery. An affirmative anti-recession program, initiated with your cooperation, supported the natural forces in the private sector; and our economy is now enjoying renewed confidence and energy. The recession has been halted. Recovery is under way.

But the task of abating unemployment and achieving a full use of our resources does remain a serious challenge for us all. Large-scale unemployment during a recession is bad enough, but large-scale unemployment during a period of prosperity would be intolerable.

I am therefore transmitting to the Congress a new Manpower Development and Training program, to train or retrain several hundred thousand workers, particularly in those areas where we have seen chronic unemployment as a result of technological factors in new occupational skills over a four-year period, in order to replace those skills made obsolete by automation and industrial change with the new skills which the new processes demand.

It should be a satisfaction to us all that we have made great strides in restoring world confidence in the dollar, halting the outflow of gold and improving our balance of payments. During the last two months, our gold stocks actually increased by seventeen million dollars, pared to a loss of 635 million dollars during the last two months of 1960. We must maintain this progress - and this will require the cooperation and restraint of everyone. As recovery progresses, there will be temptations to seek unjustified price and wage increases. These we cannot afford. They will only handicap our efforts to pete abroad and to achieve full recovery here at home. Labour and management must - and I am confident that they will - pursue responsible wage and price policies in these critical times. I look to the President's Advisory mittee on Labour Management Policy to give a strong lead in this direction.

Moreover, if the budget deficit now increased by the needs of our security is to be held within manageable proportions, it will be necessary to hold tightly to prudent fiscal standards; and I request the cooperation of the Congress in this regard--to refrain from adding funds or programs, desirable as they may be, to the Budget--to end the postal deficit, as my predecessor also remended, through increased rates--a deficit incidentally, this year, which exceeds the fiscal 1962 cost of all the space and defence measures that I am submitting today - to provide full pay-as-you-go highway financing - and to close those tax loopholes earlier specified. Our security and progress cannot be cheaply purchased; and their price must be found in what we all forego as well as what we all must pay.

Economic and Social Progress Abroad

I stress the strength of our economy because it is essential to the strength of our nation. And what is true in our case is true in the case of other countries. Their strength in the struggle for freedom depends on the strength of their economic and their social progress.

We would be badly mistaken to consider their problems in military terms alone. For no amount of arms and armies can help stabilize those governments which are unable or unwilling to achieve social and economic reform and development. Military pacts cannot help nations whose social injustice and economic chaos invite insurgency and penetration and subversion. The most skilful counter-guerrilla efforts cannot succeed where the local population is too caught up in its own misery to be concerned about the advance of munism.

But for those who share this view, we stand ready now, as we have in the past, to provide generously of our skills, and our capital, and our food to assist the peoples of the less-developed nations to reach their goals in freedom - to help them before they are engulfed in crisis.

This is also our great opportunity in 1961. If we grasp it, then subversion to prevent its success is exposed as an unjustifiable attempt to keep these nations from either being free or equal. But if we do not pursue it, and if they do not pursue it, the bankruptcy of unstable governments, one by one, and of unfilled hopes will surely lead to a series of totalitarian receiverships.

Earlier in the year, I outlined to the Congress a new program for aiding emerging nations; and it is my intention to transmit shortly draft legislation to implement this program, to establish a new Act for International Development, and to add to the figures previously requested, in view of the swift pace of critical events, an additional 250 million dollars for a Presidential Contingency Fund, to be used only upon a Presidential determination in each case, with regular and plete reports to the Congress in each case, when there is a sudden and extraordinary drain upon our regular funds which we cannot foresee - as illustrated by recent events in Southeast Asia - and it makes necessary the use of this emergency reserve. The total amount requested - now raised to 2..65 billion dollars - is both minimal and crucial. I do not see how anyone who is concerned - as we all are - about the growing threats to freedom around the globe - and who is asking what more we can do as a people - can weaken or oppose the single most important program available for building the frontiers of freedom.

All that I have said makes it clear that we are engaged in a world-wide struggle in which we bear a heavy burden to preserve and promote the ideals that we share with all mankind, or have alien ideals forced upon them. That struggle has highlighted the role of our Information Agency. It is essential that the funds previously requested for this effort be not only approved in full, but increased by 2 million, 400 thousand dollars, to a total of 121 million dollars.

This new request is for additional radio and television to Latin America and Southeast Asia. These tools are particularly effective and essential in the cities and villages of those great continents as a means of reaching millions of uncertain peoples to tell them of our interest in their fight for freedom. In Latin America, we are proposing to increase our Spanish and Portuguese broadcasts to a total of 154 hours a week, pared to 42 hours today, none of which is in Portuguese, the language of about one-third of the people of South America. The Soviets, Red Chinese and satellites already broadcast into Latin America more than 134 hours a week in Spanish and Portuguese. munist China alone does more public broadcasting in our own hemisphere than we do. Moreover, powerful propaganda broadcasts from Havana now are heard throughout Latin America, encouraging new revolutions in several countries.

Similarly, in Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand, we must municate our determination and support to those upon whom our hopes for resisting the munist tide in that continent ultimately depend. Our interest is in the truth.

Our Partnership For Self-Defence

But while we talk of sharing and building and the petition of ideas, others talk of arms and threaten war. So we have learned to keep our defences strong - and to cooperate with others in a partnership of self-defence. The events of recent weeks have caused us to look anew at these efforts.

The centre of freedom's defence is our network of world alliances, extending from NATO, remended by a Democratic President and approved by a Republican Congress, to SEATO, remended by a Republican President and approved by a Democratic Congress. These alliances were constructed in the 1940's and 1950's - it is our task and responsibility in the 1960's to strengthen them.

To meet the changing conditions of power--and power relationships have changed - we have endorsed an increased emphasis on NATO's conventional strength. At the same time we are affirming our conviction that the NATO nuclear must also be kept strong. I have made clear our intention to mit to the NATO mand, for this purpose, the 5 Polaris submarines originally suggested by President Eisenhower, with the possibility, if needed, of more to e.

Second, a major part of our partnership for self-defence is the Military Assistance Program. The main burden of local defence against local attack, subversion, insurrection or guerrilla warfare must of necessity rest with local forces. Where these forces have the necessary will and capacity to cope with such threats, our intervention is rarely necessary or helpful. Where the will is present and only capacity is lacking, our Military Assistance Program can be of help.

But this program, like economic assistance, needs a new emphasis. It cannot be extended without regard to the social, political and military reforms essential to internal respect and stability. The equipment and training provided must be tailored to legitimate local needs and to our own foreign and military policies, not to our supply of military stocks or a local leader's desire for military display. And military assistance can, in addition to its military purposes, make a contribution to economic progress, as do our own Army Engineers.

In an earlier message, I requested 1.6 billion dollars for Military Assistance, stating that this would maintain existing force levels, but that I could not foresee how much more might be required. It is now clear that this is not enough. The present crisis in Southeast Asia, on which the Vice President has made a valuable report - the rising threat of munism in Latin America - the increased arms traffic in Africa - and all the new pressures on every nation found on the map by tracing your fingers along the borders of the munist bloc in Asia and the Middle East - all make clear the dimension of our needs.

I therefore request the Congress to provide a total of 1.885 billion dollars for Military Assistance in the ing fiscal year--an amount less than that requested a year ago - but a minimum which must be assured if we are to help those nations make secure their independence. This must be prudently and wisely spent - and that will be our mon endeavour. Military and economic assistance has been a heavy burden on our citizens for a long time, and I recognize the strong pressures against it; but this battle is far from over, it is reaching a crucial stage, and I believe we should participate in it. We cannot merely state our opposition to totalitarian advance without paying the price of helping those now under the greatest pressure.

Our Military and Intelligence Shield

In line with these developments, I have directed a further reinforcement of our own capacity to deter or resist non-nuclear aggression. In the conventional field, with one exception, I find no present need for large new levies of men. What is needed is rather a change of position to give us still further increases in flexibility.

Therefore, I am directing the Secretary of Defence to undertake a reorganization and modernization of the Army's divisional structure, to increase its non-nuclear firepower, to improve its tactical mobility in any environment, to insure its flexibility to meet any direct or indirect threat, to facilitate its coordination with our major allies, and to provide more modern mechanized divisions in Europe and bring their equipment up to date, and new airborne brigades in both the Pacific and Europe.

And secondly, I am asking the Congress for an additional 100 million dollars to begin the procurement task necessary to re-equip this new Army structure with the most modern material. New helicopters, new armoured personnel carriers, and new howitzers, for example, must be obtained now.

Third, I am directing the Secretary of Defence to expand rapidly and substantially, in cooperation with our Allies, the orientation of existing forces for the conduct of non-nuclear war, paramilitary operations and sub-limited or unconventional wars.

In addition our special forces and unconventional warfare units will be increased and reoriented. Throughout the services new emphasis must be placed on the special skills and languages which are required to work with local populations.

Fourth, the Army is developing plans to make possible a much more rapid deployment of a major portion of its highly trained reserve forces. When these plans are pleted and the reserve is strengthened, two bat-equipped divisions, plus their supporting forces, a total of 89,000 men, could be ready in an emergency for operations with but 3 weeks' notice - 2 more divisions with but 5 weeks' notice - and six additional divisions and their supporting forces, making a total of 10 divisions, could be deployable with less than 8 weeks' notice. In short, these new plans will allow us to almost double the bat power of the Army in less than two months, pared to the nearly nine months heretofore required.

Fifth, to enhance the already formidable ability of the Marine Corps to respond to limited war emergencies, I am asking the Congress for 60 million dollars to increase the Marine Corps strength to 190,000 men. This will increase the initial impact and staying power of our three Marine divisions and three air wings, and provide a trained nucleus for further expansion, if necessary for self-defence.

Finally, to cite one other area of activities that are both legitimate and necessary as a means of self-defence in an age of hidden perils, our whole intelligence effort must be reviewed, and its coordination with other elements of policy assured. The Congress and the American people are entitled to know that we will institute whatever new organization, policies, and control are necessary.

Civil Defence

One major element of the national security program which this nation has never squarely faced up to is civil defence. This problem arises not from present trends but from national inaction in which most of us have participated. In the past decade we have intermittently considered a variety of programs, but we have never adopted a consistent policy. Public considerations have been largely ized by apathy, indifference and scepticism; while, at the same time, many of the civil defence plans have been so far-reaching and unrealistic that they have not gained essential support.

This Administration has been looking hard at exactly what civil defence can and cannot do. It cannot be obtained cheaply. It cannot give an assurance of blast protection that will be proof against surprise attack or guaranteed against obsolescence or destruction. And it cannot deter a nuclear attack.

We will deter an enemy from making a nuclear attack only if our retaliatory power is so strong and so invulnerable that he knows he would be destroyed by our response. If we have that strength, civil defence is not needed to deter an attack. If we should ever lack it, civil defence would not be an adequate substitute.

But this concept assumes rational calculations by rational men. And the history of this planet, and particularly the history of the 20th century, is sufficient to remind us of the possibilities of an irrational attack, a miscalculation, an accidental war, [or a war of escalation in which the stakes by each side gradually increase to the point of maximum danger] which cannot be either foreseen or deterred. It is on this basis that civil defence can be readily justifiable - as insurance for the civilian population in case of an enemy miscalculation. It is insurance we trust will never be needed - but insurance which we could never forgive ourselves for foregoing in the event of catastrophe.

Once the validity of this concept is recognized, there is no point in delaying the initiation of a nation-wide long-range program of identifying present fallout shelter capacity and providing shelter in new and existing structures. Such a program would protect millions of people against the hazards of radioactive fallout in the event of large-scale nuclear attack. Effective performance of the entire program not only requires new legislative authority and more funds, but also sound organizational arrangements.

Therefore, under the authority vested in me by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958, I am assigning responsibility for this program to the top civilian authority already responsible for continental defence, the Secretary of Defence. It is important that this function remain civilian, in nature and leadership; and this feature will not be changed.

The Office of Civil and Defence Mobilization will be reconstituted as a small staff agency to assist in the coordination of these functions. To more accurately describe its role, its title should be changed to the Office of Emergency Planning.

As soon as those newly charged with these responsibilities have prepared new authorization and appropriation requests, such requests will be transmitted to the Congress for a much strengthened Federal-State civil defence program. Such a program will provide Federal funds for identifying fallout shelter capacity in existing, structures, and it will include, where appropriate, incorporation of shelter in Federal buildings, new requirements for shelter in buildings constructed with Federal assistance, and matching grants and other incentives for constructing shelter in State and local and private buildings.

Federal appropriations for civil defence in fiscal 1962 under this program will in all likelihood be more than triple the pending budget requests; and they will increase sharply in subsequent years. Financial participation will also be required from State and local governments and from private citizens. But no insurance is cost-free; and every American citizen and his munity must decide for themselves whether this form of survival insurance justifies the expenditure of effort, time and money. For myself, I am convinced that it does.


I cannot end this discussion of defence and armaments without emphasizing our strongest hope: the creation of an orderly world where disarmament will be possible. Our aims do not prepare for war - they are efforts to discourage and resist the adventures of others that could end in war.

That is why it is consistent with these efforts that we continue to press for properly safeguarded disarmament measures. At Geneva, in cooperation with the United Kingdom, we have put forward concrete proposals to make clear our wish to meet the Soviets half way in an effective nuclear test ban treaty - the first significant but essential step on the road towards disarmament. Up to now, their response has not been what we hoped, but Mr. Dean returned last night to Geneva, and we intend to go the last mile in patience to secure this gain if we can.

Meanwhile, we are determined to keep disarmament high on our agenda - to make an intensified effort to develop acceptable political and technical alternatives to the present arms race. To this end I shall send to the Congress a measure to establish a strengthened and enlarged Disarmament Agency.


Finally, if we are to win the battle that is now going on around the world between freedom and tyranny, the dramatic achievements in space which occurred in recent weeks should have made clear to us all, as did the Sputnik in 1957, the impact of this adventure on the minds of men everywhere, who are attempting to make a determination of which road they should take. Since early in my term, our efforts in space have been under review. With the advice of the Vice President, who is Chairman of the National Space Council, we have examined where we are strong and where we are not, where we may succeed and where we may not. Now it is time to take longer strides--time for a great new American enterprise - time for this nation to take a clearly leading role in space achievement, which in many ways may hold the key to our future on earth.

I believe we possess all the resources and talents necessary. But the facts of the matter are that we have never made the national decisions or marshalled the national resources required for such leadership. We have never specified long-range goals on an urgent time schedule, or managed our resources and our time so as to insure their fulfilment.

Recognizing the head start obtained by the Soviets with their large rocket engines, which gives them many months of lead-time, and recognizing the likelihood that they will exploit this lead for some time to e in still more impressive successes, we nevertheless are required to make new efforts on our own. For while we cannot guarantee that we shall one day be first, we can guarantee that any failure to make this effort will make us last. We take an additional risk by making it in full view of the world, but as shown by the feat of astronaut Shepard, this very risk enhances our stature when we are successful. But this is not merely a race. Space is open to us now; and our eagerness to share its meaning is not governed by the efforts of others. We go into space because whatever mankind must undertake, free men must fully share.

I therefore ask the Congress, above and beyond the increases I have earlier requested for space activities, to provide the funds which are needed to meet the following national goals:

First, I believe that this nation should mit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to acplish. We propose to accelerate the development of the appropriate lunar space craft. We propose to develop alternate liquid and solid fuel boosters, much larger than any now being developed, until certain which is superior. We propose additional funds for other engine development and for unmanned explorations - explorations which are particularly important for one purpose which this nation will never overlook: the survival of the man who first makes this daring flight. But in a very real sense, it will not be one man going to the moon - if we make this judgment affirmatively, it will be an entire nation. For all of us must work to put him there.

Secondly, an additional 23 million dollars, together with 7 million dollars already available, will accelerate development of the Rover nuclear rocket. This gives promise of some day providing a means for even more exciting and ambitious exploration of space, perhaps beyond the moon, perhaps to the very end of the solar system itself.

Third, an additional 50 million dollars will make the most of our present leadership, by accelerating the use of space satellites for world-wide munications.

Fourth, an additional 75 million dollars - of which 53 million dollars is for the Weather Bureau - will help give us at the earliest possible time a satellite system for world-wide weather observation.

Let it be clear - and this is a judgment which the Members of the Congress must finally make - let it be clear that I am asking the Congress and the country to accept a firm mitment to a new course of action, a course which will last for many years and carry very heavy costs: 531 million dollars in fiscal '62 - an estimated seven to nine billion dollars additional over the next five years. If we are to go only half way, or reduce our sights in the face of difficulty, in my judgment it would be better not to go at all.

Now this is a choice which this country must make, and I am confident that under the leadership of the Space mittees of the Congress, and the Appropriating mittees, that you will consider the matter carefully.

It is a most important decision that we make as a nation. But all of you have lived through the last four years and have seen the significance of space and the adventures in space, and no one can predict with certainty what the ultimate meaning will be of mastery of space.

I believe we should go to the moon. But I think every citizen of this country as well as the Members of the Congress should consider the matter carefully in making their judgment, to which we have given attention over many weeks and months, because it is a heavy burden, and there is no sense in agreeing or desiring that the United States take an affirmative position in outer space, unless we are prepared to do the work and bear the burdens to make it successful. If we are not, we should decide today and this year.

This decision demands a major national mitment of scientific and technical manpower, materiel and facilities, and the possibility of their diversion from other important activities where they are already thinly spread. It means a degree of dedication, organization and discipline which have not always ized our research and development efforts. It means we cannot afford undue work stoppages, inflated costs of material or talent, wasteful interagency rivalries, or a high turnover of key personnel.

New objectives and new money cannot solve these problems. They could in fact, aggravate them further - unless every scientist, every engineer, every serviceman, every technician, contractor, and civil servant gives his personal pledge that this nation will move forward, with the full speed of freedom, in the exciting adventure of space.


In conclusion, let me emphasize one point. It is not a pleasure for any President of the United States, as I am sure it was not a pleasure for my predecessors, to e before the Congress and ask for new appropriations which place burdens on our people. I came to this conclusion with some reluctance. But in my judgment, this is a most serious time in the life of our country and in the life of freedom around the globe, and it is the obligation, I believe, of the President of the United States to at least make his remendations to the Members of the Congress, so that they can reach their own conclusions with that judgment before them. You must decide yourselves, as I have decided, and I am confident that whether you finally decide in the way that I have decided or not, that your judgment--as my judgment - is reached on what is in the best interests of our country.

In conclusion, let me emphasize one point: that we are determined, as a nation in 1961 that freedom shall survive and succeed--and whatever the peril and set-backs, we have some very large advantages.

The first is the simple fact that we are on the side of liberty--and since the beginning of history, and particularly since the end of the Second World War, liberty has been winning out all over the globe.

A second real asset is that we are not alone. We have friends and allies all over the world who share our devotion to freedom. May I cite as a symbol of traditional and effective friendship the great ally I am about to visit--France. I look forward to my visit to France, and to my discussion with a great Captain of the Western World, President de Gaulle, as a meeting of particular significance, permitting the kind of close and ranging consultation that will strengthen both our countries and serve the mon purposes of world-wide peace and liberty. Such serious conversations do not require a pale unanimity--they are rather the instruments of trust and understanding over a long road.

A third asset is our desire for peace. It is sincere, and I believe the world knows it. We are proving it in our patience at the test ban table, and we are proving it in the UN where our efforts have been directed to maintaining that organization's usefulness as a protector of the independence of small nations. In these and other instances, the response of our opponents has not been encouraging.

Yet it is important to know that our patience at the bargaining table is nearly inexhaustible, though our credulity is limited that our hopes for peace are unfailing, while our determination to protect our security is resolute. For these reasons I have long thought it wise to meet with the Soviet Premier for a personal exchange of views. A meeting in Vienna turned out to be convenient for us both; and the Austrian government has kindly made us wele. No formal agenda is planned and no negotiations will be undertaken; but we will make clear America's enduring concern is for both peace and freedom--that we are anxious to live in harmony with the Russian people--that we seek no conquests, no satellites, no riches--that we seek only the day when "nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

Finally, our greatest asset in this struggle is the American people--their willingness to pay the price for these programs--to understand and accept a long struggle--to share their resources with other less fortunate people--to meet the tax levels and close the tax loopholes I have requested--to exercise self-restraint instead of pushing up wages or prices, or over-producing certain crops, or spreading military secrets, or urging unessential expenditures or improper monopolies or harmful work stoppages--to serve in the Peace Corps or the Armed Services or the Federal Civil Service or the Congress--to strive for excellence in their schools, in their cities and in their physical fitness and that of their children--to take part in Civil Defence - to pay higher postal rates, and higher payroll taxes and higher teachers' salaries, in order to strengthen our society - to show friendship to students and visitors from other lands who visit us and go back in many cases to be the future leaders, with an image of America--and I want that image, and I know you do, to be affirmative and positive--and, finally, to practice democracy at home, in all States, with all races, to respect each other and to protect the Constitutional rights of all citizens.

I have not asked for a single program which did not cause one or all Americans some inconvenience, or some hardship, or some sacrifice. But they have responded and you in the Congress have responded to your duty - and I feel confident in asking today for a similar response to these new and larger demands. It is heartening to know, as I journey abroad, that our country is united in its mitment to freedom and is ready to do its duty.